Today, I am sharing with you how to practice a funky, asymmetrical arm-balance pose.

We should not take everything so seriously in our yoga practice. Swami Sivananda encouraged us to be cheerful.

After taking my class at the Better UK Waterfront Leisure Centre, I am demonstrating for you and my lovely students how to get into this hybrid pose. Make sure that you feel confident in Bakasana – Crow Pose before you explore other variations. Variations of asanas/poses are beneficial to understand the classical postures more.

Remember, no need to buy expensive yoga pants if you are a beginner or experienced yogi, start with comfortable clothes and follow my lessons. You can use any yoga mat for your morning or evening yoga practice. A yoga block or yoga cushion can support your meditation posture. My mat has markings for the alignment. I like to use it for my demonstrations.

If you have any further questions, or you like to know more about the postures themselves, please leave your comments below. Your feedback and comments are much appreciated. Check out my other tutorials and get inspired to try out new postures.

Om Shanti!
Please subscribe to my channel to learn more about this 5,000 years old science!

2 Responses to Do not take Yoga too serious πŸ˜‰
  1. Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.

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