I am a 52-year-old father of two adult children and married to my wife for more than 25 years. YOGA found me since we moved from Germany to London in 2013. I had a major burnout and breakdown back in 2009, which ended in a severe car accident. My near-death experience (I was knocked out for a couple of minutes) and the fact that I survived this accident without physical injuries changed my life!

I learned the lesson to slow down and look after myself – I gradually lost more than 5 stones by changing my lifestyle and habits. After being made redundant in a very successful corporate IT Management position, I took the long-seeking opportunity to graduate as a traditional Hatha Yoga Teacher. I qualified at The Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Ashram London in June 2019. This intense Teachers’ Training and an entire month in seclusion changed my life. From practising yoga as a physical exercise, I became a spiritual yogi and teacher passionate about sharing the 5,000-year-old yoga science and wisdom with lovely students and like-minded people regardless of their ethical, religious background or gender. I genuinely embrace ‘Unity in Diversity’!

Om Shanti,
Marc Leonard, aka Shankara

2 Responses to Yoga with Marc Leonard
  1. Comment *Hallo Marc ich bin der Lothar aus Bensheim finde es toll was du machst,ist super.Wie geht es dir ,was macht Heike und Annabel und Alezander.Haben uns sehr gefreut etwas von dir u lesen. Wüde mich Feuen mal was von euch zu lesen.Viele Liebe Grüße von ber Begstrasse.

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