Om Om, join me and my alter ego for a Sivananda morning practice.

The morning Sivananda Yoga class offers several benefits:

☀️ Energising Start: Involves asanas and pranayama for an energy boost.
☀️ Mental Clarity: Enhances focus and concentration.
☀️ Calm and Centered Mind: Reduces stress and anxiety.
☀️ Improved Mood: Stimulates the release of endorphins.
☀️ Flexibility and Strength: Improves overall health and posture.
☀️ Balanced Energy: Promotes a harmonious flow of energy.
☀️ Enhanced Resilience: Builds confidence and resilience.

Incorporating morning Sivananda Yoga into your routine energises the body and calms the mind for a joyous day.

The sequence of my class:
Initial relaxation – Savasana
Opening prayer Breathing exercises – Pranayama
1. Kapalabhati
2. Anuloma Viloma
Sun Salutations – Surya Namaskar
Asanas (based on the 12 traditional poses)
1. Headstand – Sirsasana
2. Shoulderstand – Sarvangasana
3. Plough – Halasana
4. Fish – Matsyasana
5. Sitting Forward Bend – Paschimothanasana
6. Inclined Plane – Purvottanasana
7. Cobra – Bhujangasana (variations)
8. Boat – Naukasana (variation)
9. Bow – Dhanurasana
10. Pigeon Pose – Eka Pada Rajakapotasana
11. Standing Forward Bend – Pada Hasthasana
12. Half Spinal Twist – Ardha Matsyendrasana (variation)
13. Triangle – Trikonasana
Final Relaxation – Savasana
Closing prayer – Mahamrityunjaya Mantra

These poses are designed to exercise every body part, stretching and toning the muscles, joints, spine, and entire skeletal system. They work on the frame and the internal organs, glands, and nervous system, helping us maintain optimal health. Regularly practising these asanas can help release physical and mental tension, increasing energy and vitality. With time and practice, these poses can also become an exercise in concentration and meditation, leading to a calmer mind and reduced stress levels.

Om Tat Sat!

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